0208 798 3498
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Emotional Intelligence Workshops

Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety

Workshop Overview
Stress at work is a major issue. It is the single largest reported cause of all work-related illnesses. Statistics show that in 2016/2017 526,000 workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety and 12.5 million working days were lost due to work-related stress.¹ Stress can be highly debilitating, effecting our physical and emotional health and reducing our performance and productivity.

However, this does not have to be the case. Stress is caused when we produce adrenaline and cortisol, when our alarm bell system goes off. This makes sense when we are under real external threat but not when we have a heavy work load or other situations that can feel stressful. When people understand this and start to explore what they are telling themselves to cause them to feel stressed they can start to manage this evolutionary error in thinking.

In this workshop we explore how the brain works, the difference between our older and newer brain and what happens to cause us to experience stress. We look at causes of stress and how we respond. Next we introduce a therapeutic tool to help people work out what they are telling themselves to cause them to feel stress and how they can start to rescript these internal messages to minimise the flight and fight response.

1. hse.gov.uk/statistics/causdis/stress/

Workshop Outcomes

  • Identify how and why we experience stress.
  • Learn tools to help manage stress individually and also to help others.
  • Understand how our response to events causes stress and consequently what we can do to develop better internal dialogues to reduce stress.
  • Create a plan to reduce stress.

Further Details

  • This workshop is for all human beings
  • Day workshop (can be tailored to half day or hour sessions)

Building Resilience & Wellbeing at Work

Workshop Overview

“More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails. That’s true in the cancer ward, it’s true in the Olympics, and it’s true in the boardroom”*

Resilience is having the ability to overcome challenges, trauma, set backs, personal crises and obstacles and come back stronger, and wiser. Resilience is an emotional intelligence in contrast to our intellectual intelligence. It is how we manage our emotional world to deal with the uncertainties and difficulties in life and also how we harness our innate abilities and create meaning in what we do. People with higher levels of resilience are more productive, build better relationships and are more likely to succeed. In addition and maybe more importantly, resilient people feel more able to influence their lives in and out of work, are less stressed and are able to enjoy life more.

* Diana Coutu’s, Harvard Business Review, “How resilience works”.

Workshop Outcomes

  • Understand the characteristics and importance of resilience and wellbeing at work.
  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of low resilience in ourselves and others.
  • Provide tools and techniques to better manage emotional responses to help people deal with difficult situations.
  • Create a better work life balance.
  • Build the resilience of individuals and teams; increasing productivity and wellbeing.

Further Details

  • This workshop is for all employees
  • Day workshop (can be tailored to half day or hour sessions)

Managing Endings & Transitions

Workshop Overview
Change is inevitable and our work lives are full of transitions and endings. In this workshop we will help people effectively manage change – whether it is something going on in their life (change of role or divorce) or part of an organizational change ( re-organisation or redundancy).

We will look at the Cycle of Change and 8 Conditions needed to effectively manage even the largest of change programmes. We know that by communicating what is happening, allowing people the space to talk through their concerns and anxieties and involving people throughout the process that it can be a highly positive experience. It can also develop people’s resilience and create a more flexible and adaptive culture.

We will look at the importance of endings and how they can evoke strong feelings for us including excitement, fear, anger and loss. We will learn that our own experience of endings early in our childhood often influence how we cope with subsequent endings and losses later in life.

Finally, we will think about how we decide when it’s time to move on and leave things behind or how we might adapt our current working habits.

Workshop Outcomes

  • Understand the emotional cycle of change and the 8 conditions of effective change.
  • Accept that change and loss are inevitable and are an essential part of life.
  • Explore the transformative and developmental aspects of change.
  • Learn about the impact of change and in particular endings on our emotional responses and health.
  • Consider how our own personal histories of transitions may influence our response to change at work.
  • Encourage people to feel empowered and navigate change so they can become resilient change advocates.
  • Learn how we can support people with these transitions.

Further Details

  • This workshop is for senior leaders and HR professionals as well as anyone approaching major changes or endings
  • Day workshop (can be tailored to half day or hour sessions)

Our Psychoeducation Workshops and Training

Emotional intelligence workshops


Mental Health and Wellbeing workshops


Communication skills


Leadership skills


Contact us to arrange a consultation

0208 798 3498